
What is the negative affects of Salmon Farms/Farming?

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What is the negative affects of Salmon Farms/Farming?




  1. I have heard Chile is having problems with salmon farms. Check that

  2. In my opinion, besides being a bad idea, farming(of salmons) is polluting water resources, and sending to the market contaminated fish.

  3. Approximately one third of the salmon consumed in the US are raised by fish farmers. About 25% of all the fish consumed by humans worldwide is now farmed.

    Unfortunately, the growth of the fish farming industry has often come at a price to the environment. Most large US fish farms are aquatic feedlots. Similar to other forms of intensive animal production, such as hog and poultry farms, they can produce large quantities of polluting wastes. Unlike wastes from terrestrial feedlots, however, aquaculture wastes are often directly released to natural bodies of water. These wastes have the potential to contribute to current problems from nutrient pollution, such as recent outbreaks of the toxic microbe Pfeisteria, which some expects believe are linked to wastes from hog and poultry farms.

    Aquaculture is often promoted as a way to reduce over-fishing, but aquaculture can actually result in a net loss of fish protein. Many farmed fish, such as salmon, trout, and shrimp, are wholly or partly carnivorous. Feeding them can require catching more fish from the ocean than are ultimately produced on the farms. Farming carnivores such as salmon is a bit like farming tigers.  About three to five pounds of wild fish are required to produce one pound of farmed salmon.

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