
What is the next step in human evolution as a species?

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Where do you think the human race is going in it's evolution, will we develop knew and different ablities or maybe start using the unused protions of are brains?




  1. Evolution does not proceed in discrete steps, so there is no next step to proceed to. Strictly speaking, we're not going anywhere in particular. Environmental and social trends will determine, to an extent, who gets to reproduce and who doesn't, but those pressures change frequently. It's not really possible to predict future survival pressures with any accuracy.

    Also, there really aren't any "unused" portions of our brains.  Different areas are used for different things, though they may not all be active at the same time. Having a brain that's mostly useless is actually detrimental from an evolutionary standpoint. Why would it have ever evolved like that in the first place? Where's the advantage?

  2. superpowers.

  3. The problem with evolution is that it is S-O  S-L-O-W and we hardly notice it, humans have hardly changed for 100s of thousands of years, although we in the developed world are growing with each generation. Evolution is also about the changes giving us an advantage in life that can enhance our chances of having children. But we in the west live in a world that  supports everyone and helps the disadvantaged, so the chances of a small evolutionary change giving anyone an advantage is mute.

    The undeveloped world, Africa Asia etc is where we should look to see if evolution continues.

  4. We will all be dead by the next century the way the government report on global warming says.  The government won't release or support the technology of being petro reducement.  There have been inventors that have made cars that can run on water or other materials that would not hurt the environment.  The government blocks or buys off the inventors in order to keep stock market in play.  This is to keep the rich, rich and the poor, poor.  If only we lived in a society that material possessions and everything was shared equally, then society could survive by focusing on the problems as a whole than the individual.

  5. Weak bones..hardly any muscles...probably slumpy looking..

    We are weak and lazy.. but smarter and more resourceful.


  7. "The meak shall inherite the Earth"

    There may be some truth to that.

    Generally, the members of a species that do the most breeding dictate the direction the species will evolve in.

    Well it certainly isn't the smart people who are doing the lot of the fun stuff so don't expect leaps and bounds in the intelligence sector.

    In all honesty, it is the poor of the world, the slum dwellers, the cent a day wage earners, the poverty stricken, who will be deciding humanities fate? Why? Because they make up half the world's population and have a ton of children. If the Earth were to be hit by a large asteroid, these people are the most likely to survive simply because of their sheer numbers.

    The human of the very distant future probably has a moderatly dark complexion and dark hair. Immunity to mainy super strains of bacteria we have today. Possibly immunity to HIV. No immunity at all to small pox. They probably have less body hair, and hopefully no wisdom teeth.

    There is no reason to believe they will be more intelligent than the average human today, and no reason to believe they will be less intelligent.

    It is impossible to predict any spontaneous beneficial mutations that might arrise in our decendants.

  8. The advance in medicine saves a lot of people with diseases and weaker genetics. So,  basically, we are not going anywhere in our evolution. We now rely on technology for our evolution (insertion of chips into human body, study of DNA, cloning, etc.). The next step will be laboratory mutants.

  9. Ever watch the show, Heroes?

  10. The Ry-Guy is the only good answerer to this question. Simply; Evolution can tell you about the past and the present, but nothing about the future. Why? Because the beneficial mutation that correlated with the proper environmental change is not even intimately predictable. You and many answerer's, here, need to brush-up on evolutionary theory. ( we are not going to get super powers; nothing can be predicted in the line of " weak bones " and superior brains and protection from disease is not going to " weaken our genetics ) Also, we use all of our brains.

    PS Social science!?!?!?

  11. Well genetically I think we are dying out as a species. Because of all the chemical pollutants in the environment have encoded onto our DNA causing an increase in birth defects. Did you know 1out of 30 babies are being born with some major defect requiring surgery to survive. My child was born with a heart defect and I was born with a fused kidney. I am not having anymore children, but all over the world this is happening and  also the large amounts of hormones released into the environment from birth-control pills have contributed in a drop of male fertility and an increase of male homosexuality and feminine tenancies. So the lack of healthy births in combination with a drop in fertility the human population is headed for a genetic extinction. As for some positive mutations that are very few and far between.

  12. At the rate we're going? Extinction.

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