
What is the nicest thing your boyfriend or girlfriend ?

by  |  earlier

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has ever done for you?




  1. Well my first boyfriend stuck  little notes in my flute so I would go home and read them and feel so loved. It was so original and sweet. :)

  2. I've never had a girlfriend. :(

  3. wheen alwaays called me and told me he looved me :) .. and we would talk for hours .. :) & wheeen there was nothing to say and we sat in silence he just keept telling me he looved me :O .. iii REALLY felt looved ..


  4. Mmm probably when he called a guy that wouldn't stop stalking and trying to get with me and told him he would personally deal with him if he didnt leave me alone. That was real nice of him to stick up for me like that. It was simple but still made me feel really loved and cared about.

  5. I think the thing that meant the most to me was when my boyfriend spent all night in the hospital with me when I had to go to the Emergency Room. He spent every second with me, holding my hand and telling me everything was going to be okay. With him there I was able to get through it and I knew how much he truly loved me :D

  6. I'm 14 years old.. but i only had 3 boyfriends, and they weren't that caring or nice..

    But i guess the nicest thing my boyfriend ever did to me was lend me his jacket, it was really, really freezing cold and i forgot mine. Yea i thought it wouldn't be that cold and i didnt bring my jacket. He was just wearing a t-shirt inside...

    we were hugging eachother the whole way through to get warmer, but since hes taller than me i couldn't really do that so much :[

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