
What is the norm for grieving my mom who was my best friend and passed away in November 2007?

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My mom was and still my best friend. I used to go to the cemetery every day rain or shine. I feel like I am paralized and want to get back in the real world againl I am no use to my family or myself. I dropped out of Nursing School and have no idea how to handle my life.




  1. I am sorry to hear of your mother's passing. There is nothing that I can say that'll make it better and you will suffer for a while, but very slowly the pain will be easier to bear.

    Life can be real hard sometimes on us but so long as we brace ourselves during bad times, good times will also come, so long as we don't lose the hope.

    Perhaps you should go back to nursing school, you know your mom would have wanted you to do well at it.

    Also it will keep your mind busy while you are going through these heavy times, just go back into it if you can, make an effort and throw yoursealf heart and soul into it.

    Remember that there is a balance, always and where bad is found there is always good to balance it so don't let go, brace yourself throught these hard times and springtime of your live will come again.

    I wish you the very best.

  2. I think it is normal to grieve,however if u find yourself getting angry then u should seek counseling.  It will make u feel sooo much better.  An as for nursing school, i think it will be good for u to get back into the swing of things.  Your mother would be happy to know that u can take care of yourself.  She is with u all the time and wants u to be happy and successful.  Celebrate her life!!  Sounds like she was a great person. She raised u to be sensitive and ambitious..Nursing school is an excellent choice.  You're in my prayers.

  3. Do you really think that this is what your mother would want? To see you feeling this way and giving up on your life? I would not want that from my daughter. You should being doing the very best you can in memory of her. I know it is very hard but this is the circle of life and will eventually happen to everyone. Start with one small goal and just keep going. You can do it.

  4. First, I am sorry for your loss.

    Second, there really is no normal time frame for grieving just as there is no normal way to grieve... some cry, some get angry, some go out and get drunk, some spend money like water and some such as yourself spend a lot of time in the cemetery.

    This lady had a huge part in your life and you are lost without her which is understandable.  I think you are judging yourself too harshly and should give your heart and mind a break.  Take each day as it comes and your life will go on.  

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