
What is the normal and maximum working time of a train driver daily?

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I need info about train drivers working time daily and week.Official and maximum working time?




  1. Ours are 35 hour working week must have minimum 12 hours rest between booking on & booking off

  2. daily we cant work no more then 12 hours by law ... they get 2 days off a week .. BTW they are called Engineers.

    CSX tranportation conductor

  3. If you are asking about engineers in the U.S. we can work a maximum of 12 hours in one tour of duty, with a minimum of 8 hours off between shifts.

    There is nothing in the law about maximum number of shifts per week or mandated rest days.

    So you can see that we frequently work more than 7 shifts a week.

    There are some companies that have different rest requirements by union contract but this is how the law is written.

    This is the maximum, "normal" will vary widely from district to district, depending on the length of the run, type of track, etc.

    Where I work I would say our average on-duty time is somewhere between 9 1/2 and 10 hours on duty.

    Fatigue has been such an issue that the Federal Givernment is seriously looking at new proposals for rest rules and duty cycles.

  4. Rango is right, 12 hours on duty with 8 hours off. Usually, you get more time off than just 8 hours. But during busy seasons, you work more often. One November about ten years ago, I worked a lot.  30 days in November, and I went to work 42 times. The busy season in the upper Mid West is in the fall, when all the harvested grains are being sold.

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