
What is the normal atmospheric air pressure? and how low does it drop before a headache usually hits?

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i get head aches when the air pressure drops before a storm what's the norm?




  1. i don't understand the question sorry

  2. Standard pressure on a standard day is 29.92 inches at 59 degrees F at sea level.  The average air pressure in your area depends on many factors especially altitude.  The higher you are above sea level the lower your average pressure.  

    Lower air pressure can cause increases in already existing inflammation.  If you are suffering noticeably with differing air pressure, see a physician.  You many have some kind of inflammation that can be cured; perhaps in your ears or neck that is causing the headaches.


  3. "Normal" atmospheric pressure is 760 mm Hg. The atmospheric pressure mentioned on the news is usually the pressure at sea level. Since the pressure is influenced by altitude, air density (presence of rain would increase density), humidity and temperature, the air pressure where you are would be different.

    As far as the headaches go, there is definitely a link between atmospheric pressure and migraine headaches. I also get headaches when the weather changes. Change is the key word when it comes to migraine triggers. If you get migraines, you need to try to keep regular schedules for hours of sleep (total and time started/stopped), meal times, amount and time of caffeine intake. Most migraine sufferers have felt the effects of a weekend headache caused by staying up late or sleeping in (even without alcohol added into the mix). Other things also trigger headaches: tanins (red wine), tryptans (hot dogs and processed foods), strong smells, hormones etc.

    Keep a journal for about a week/two weeks recording meal and sleep times, food eaten, alcohol intake, general emotional well being and any headache symptoms/treatments/results.

    Spend some time reading about migraines.

    My headaches are under control but I still get them. Mostly, I try to avoid the headache by reducing my stressors but obviously you can't always do that (eg the weather changes).  I got a prescription from my MD for when I get a headache and take it at the first sign (very important to do this).

    I hope you are able to get the headaches under control! Good luck!

  4. Normal air pressure is on a range of 1000 to 1020 millibars. Before a storm, the pressure drops to a range between 980 and 1000 mb.

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