
What is the normal human body temp. ??

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What is the normal human body temp. ??




  1. Normal human body temperature is a concept that depends upon the place in the body at which the measurement is made. The value of 36.8 °C ±0.7 °C, or 98.2 °F ±1.3 °F is the common oral measurement. Rectal measurements, or measurements taken directly inside the body cavity, are typically about a half degree Celsius (1 °F) higher. The core body temperature of an individual also tends to vary during the day and with activity level, with the lowest value in the second half of the sleep cycle; this low point, called nadir, is one of the primary markers for circadian rhythms.

    In 1861, Carl Reinhold August Wunderlich claimed to measure the temperatures of one million people, and reported the average to be 37 °C.[1]

    In the United States, normal human body temperature is commonly quoted as 98.6 °F, which is an exact conversion of 37 °C. 98.6 °F resulted from Fahrenheit adjusting his scale so that there were 180 degrees between freezing water and boiling water.[2]

    In Russia, the commonly quoted value is 36.6 °C (97.9 °F), based on an armpit reading. According to the Russian pharmaceutical chain named 36.6, “36.6 is the ideal body temperature in Centigrade for healthy adults and children”.[3]

  2. 96.8 Fahrenheit


    98.6 Fahrenheit is the correct temperature.


    thanks for the thumbs down nerds.

    people make mistakess.

  3. somewhere between 97 and 99 for most of us.

    mine's around 97 1/2.

    interestingly, many infections are cured by heat.

    that's probably the evolutionary reason we get a fever when we get sick.

    next time you cut your finger, and can feel infection starting, hold it under hot (don't burn yourself though) water for 3-5 minutes 2-3-4 times a day.

    you'll find that it heals faster than it normally would.

    however, there are cells within your body, specifically neurons, that are also sensitive to heat, so that if your temp goes to high, you die -- because your brain dies.

  4. 98.6 F or 37 C is the convention.

    This is just a guideline because individual metabolic rates have much to do with this as well as the diurnal cycle of humans. Your core temp actually drops a bit at about 2-5 AM

  5. In actuality, there really is no such thing.

    What we consider to be "normal" is actually what could be thought of as an average.  When they say that normal body temperature is "98.6 degrees Fahrenheit," that's an average.  Normal for ME might be 98.8!

    Same thing goes for blood pressure.  The magical "120/80" target is an AVERAGE.  Normal BP for ME might be 124/84!!

  6. 37 degrees Celsius.

  7. 37degreecelcius or 97 farenheint

  8. 37.5 degrees celcius.  

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