
What is the normal protocol in an Irish pub?

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I grew up with an alcoholic father and was taken alot with him into the bars here in the states, making me hate even going into bars now. I am going to Ireland this month and would like to at least experience the pubs. I hear they aren't at all like our bars. Do you sit down and wait for a waiter, directly order what you want (food) at the bar, or what?




  1. First of all DO NOT WAIT FOR A WAITOR I have seen this happen too much to American tourists who get up and walk out in disgust, head up to the bar and order, other then that just sit back and relax and soak in the atmosphere, enjoy

  2. usually you order your drink from the bar and a floor person goes around with the menus for lunches enjoy your stay in Ireland

  3. All of the above is good advice, also non drinkers are welcome in pubs too.  As a musician I don't  drink while  playing out of respect for my instruments.  Club soda with a coke at the end of the night is my standard drink.  

    You will also be pleasantly surprised at the lack of public drunkenness.  Public drinking is OK, public drunkenness or abusive behavior is very frowned upon at a local pub.  Remember this is a neighborhood gathering place, a very different animal than an American bar.

    Have fun!

  4. Yeah or you can fall down some prefer that from what i see FOOD its a bar

  5. Try and get to a local bar and just be your self. If you are going to try a "Pint"

    just make sure that there is somebody else drinking Guinness to. Theres nothing worse than "iffy pint" If you want to eat ask the bartender what to do, also see what pubs will have traditonal Irish music,it makes for a great night

    and the "Craic" (fun) will make you feel at ease.

    Sorry about your father.......its a tough way to grow up........I Know

    Been there

  6. Walk to the bar, order, and don't worry about tipping at the bar. By the way, if you order a Guinness and the bartender takes less than five minutes to pour it, he has not done it correctly! A good Guinness pour will take several minutes -- pour partly full glass, let it sit for several minutes, then top it up. Some bartenders will even form a shamrock in the "head" of the dark brew.

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