
What is the northern most permanent settlement on earth?

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please identify the name and location of the settlement. More than one settlement may be listed if they are close in their northerlyness. What is this settlement, who lives there, and why do they live there?




  1. Svalbard, the islands north of the Norway mainland is the largest permanent settlement with a population over 1000 I'm guessing. Alert in Nunavut, Canada though is farther north but has only a handful of permanant residents.

  2. It certainly isn't St Petersburg.

    What I suggest you do is to get onto Google Earth and start at about 70 deg North and go around the latitude line and check for settlements above it. I suspect that you will find that Canada and Alaska might be your best bet..  

  3. Alert, Nunavut, Canada   82°28′N , 62°30′W

    St. Petersburg is over 1500 miles south of Alert.  Alert is close to the north pole.  I don't see how anyone survives up there.

    Add.  Alert, in the Qikiqtaaluk Region, Nunavut Canada, is the northernmost permanently inhabited place in the world.,_Nuna...

  4. Some brief research shows that St Petersburg, Russia is. For more information on other northermost settlements, and even other northernmost things, check my 2 second source.

  5. North Pole. Santa and his gangstas the little helpers of elves live there making presents for the good little kiddies around the globe except the little future suicide bombers located in the middle east.  

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