
What is the notting hill carnival like in london??

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i heard that was the best carnival in europe. what countries are repped there and what is the vibe like??




  1. It's a lovely carnival but I must admit I was a little disappointed...It can get a bit rough at night time...

  2. Its full of scum. You will be mugged or pick pocketed. Full of poor black people, who live on the outskirts looking to look bad and take your money.

    Terrible terrible carnival. I live just outside london, wouldn't even THINK of going to such a terrible carnival. COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME.  

  3. It is not a 'COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME'!

    People who think that need to grow the f up!

    Carnival is about experiencing new things.  There is such a small percentage that are there for 'trouble'. Everyone there wants to have fun, drink rum punch, have some jerk and munch on sugar cane whilst enjoying the African culture.  It IS the best carnival in Europe and I suggest that you go and experience it, you will not be disappointed.

    I'm not saying there is no trouble, it is still London so be careful.

  4. notting hill is really great and they have SO much food available. very crowded though i'd recommend train or park near royal albert hall and walk.

    its amazing there everyone's happy and enjoying everything. notting hill represents all black america and all of african culture. not something to miss.

    areyoudizzyblad you're shouldn't be so rude. how do you know? and if so, why did you go to it??

  5. It's a pain in the proverbial if you live near it, which I have for many years, because you can't get about for two days. As I type this I can FEEL the vibrations from a sound system, never mind hear them. I went a couple of times but the novelty wears off quickly, it's very very crowded and I got squished in a crush last time. The Sunday is children's day and quieter than the Monday, though that's not saying much. The costumes are good, though.

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