
What is the nutritional difference between powdered milk and 'real' milk?

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I have only used powdered milk in baking or for recipes that called for it. I have never bought it for any other reason.

However what is the actual nutritional value of it?

Is it better to drink 'real' milk or is it possible to buy powdered milk and recieve the SAME nutritional content?

I have just read an article regarding children who died from malnutrition because their milk was powdered. Is it SAFE to replace a toddlers milk with reconstituted dry milk?




  1. This is only my opinion, I am no expert.  During the war babies were fed reconstituted powdered  milk, and I never heard of any dying from the use of it, it had the name of humanised milk, and appeared very rich, there is information  on the packs with regards to whether it is fit for babies, and the nutritional value also.

      I have used nothing but powdered skimmed milk for about 20 years now   , and am now 87 and am taken for 15 yrs younger, but I doubt if that is from using powdered milk.


  2. There is no nutrional difference - powdered milk is skim milk whose moisture has be removed.  The only real difference is taste

  3. Real milk is actual milk from an animal.. Usually cows milk is sold in stores.. but Yes, its from a cow..

    Powdered milk isnt as good as real milk.. But its around because some people cant store real milk in a fridge and what not... Or they simply cant afford it..

    I cant drink powdered milk, i think its rank.. But its fine with coffee..  

  4. You could, in theory, replace your toddler's milk with powdered, as long as s/he is over 2. Under two, and you need the actual fat content as it helps brain development. (we asked the pedi, lol). It is actually dried skim milk, and has no fat whatsoever.

    That being said, my mom used to try and pull that one over on my brother and I when we were teenagers, and don't you know we always knew and didn't drink the stuff, lol. But I use it in cooking too sometimes. But WIC won't provide dried milk because it has very little nutritional value, so I give my daughter real milk.

    Good luck!  

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