
What is the nutritional value, if any, of hot sauce?

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My mother is an anorexic. When she does eat, her food is drenched in hot sauce. Im wondering, is there some nutrient in the hot sace that her body is craving? No joke answers please. I'm being serious.




  1. Hot sauce is made out of several ingredients, some of which are vegetables (e.g. various peppers).  As a result, it actually has quite a high nutrient value.  For example, NutritionData rates a generic hot sauce as having a nutrient rating of 3.8 out of 5.0.

    Of course, most people don't eat enough of it that it significantly contributes to their nutrient intake.

    Also, contrary to another answerer, it does contain calories.  Again, though, most people don't eat enough of it that the calories are significant.

    As for why your mom is eating it, it probably is just to add flavor and substance to the meal without adding a lot of calories.

  2. i am a recovered anorexic. people believe that spiciness increases your metabolism. it does not. however, it is a popular misconception and leads many weight conscious people to spice up everything. so, yes, that is most likely the reasons she does it. however, there are other possibilities. she may drench her food in hot sauce because it forces her to (1) eat more slowly and (2) eat less. it's hard to inhale a ton of super spicy food, as you know. it could be any and all of these reasons. regardless, i'm sorry you have to watch the compulsive behavior. i'm sure that's hard. really hard. :(

  3. Like someone else said, she may do it to add flavor without calories. Also, she may do it so she has to slow down her eating, take smaller bites, and won't be inclined to overeat cuz the food is so spicy. Anorexics use a lot of tricks to not eat, this may be one of them.

  4. um the one i have has no fat or calories, so maybe thats why shes eating it?  

  5. i dont think there is any nurtiional value..she prolly does it because it can make raise your matabolism so that you digest your food faster..

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