
What is the nutritional value of Iguana meat? ?

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What is the nutritional value of Iguana meat? Have any studies been done on the nutritional value of iguana meat?




  1. ⁄/ Iguana

    Different species of iguanas of the genera Iguana, Ctenosaura and Tupinambis have economic value for their skin meat and eggs and are exported alive as pets. The white iguana meat is much appreciated and often eaten by farmers. The fat which is believed to have medicinal value and the eggs are eaten as well. Iguana skin is used for the fabrication of decorations and shoes and is exported to Europe where all kinds of objects are made out of the already tanned skin. ⁄/

    That's all I got, thank you for asking!


  2. I don't believe any studies have been done on this subject yet. The place my mother was born (Villa Madero, Guerrero in Mexico) is known for eating iguana as a substitute for chicken or other white meat. My aunt cooks the meat in a type of stew and claims it tastes better than chicken.

    I'd agree with the previous response about iguana meat being economical, as it is found in the wild at no cost. The skin can be used to make belts or other ornaments. Some people believe the meat to have medicinal properties as well.

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