
What is the nutritional value of Tofu?

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is there really any fat in it or is it all protein? Can you eat TOO much tofu?





  2. ...there's more nutritional food value in the "litter box"

  3. who cares it tastes like c**p.

  4. Yes, there is fat in tofu but there is not much and it is the "good" kind (omega-3). Tofu a fantastic source of tryptophan, protein and iron.

    There have been a lot of "scares" recently involving the possible dangers of soy products; however, most nutritionists agree that soy is extremely healthy:

    (A nutritional profile, discussion of health benefits and proposed dangers, as well as some fantastic links at the bottoml)

    It is best to practise moderation with respect to any food source and not eat too much. Seitan, tempah etc are fantastic alternatives to tofu.

    In any-case, even if there are a few unhealthy consequences of eating soy, it is most likely that the benefits outweigh the costs:

    (discussion of pros and cons of soy from a scientific/doctors perspective)

  5. i eat it all the time and look at me

  6. most of it is full with protein but nothing is good for u when u eat TOO much

    just watch ur portion sizes, don't go insane

  7. like its taste........c**p

  8. I do not eat tofu, in fact i can't stand it.

  9. quit counting the d**n calories.

    eat half of what u planned to eat before you started.

    wait an hour, work out for and hour and a half.

    don't eat nothing past 4:00.

    simple as nothing.

  10. it has about 4 g of fat in it per 100 g.

    the thing with tofu is that it is an unfermented soy product, just like soy milk. when soy isn't fermented/sprouted, it forms an anti-nutrient phytate in the soy skin, which then in your stomach creates phytic acid in your small intestine. this interferes with the absorbtion of all the protein, calcium, iron and zinc and your body has a tough time absorbing all the good stuff. so eating a ton of tofu is kinda useless, non fermented types of soy, like miso, soy sprouts, tempeh (similar to tofu), tamari, and bragg's all are examples of the good kind of soy you want to eat.

    also, i know that some people say you shouldn't consume too much soy because of the high phyto estrogen content, especially if you are a man. however, i know other people argue against that that is not the case. i'm not sure what i believe.

    either way, it's easy to develop a foot sensitivity to soy so it's best not to eat it every day but rather, only a couple times a week.

  11. It's low fat, high protein. It's good for you- but I would vary your sources of protein! Try lean meats like chicken, turkey, fish. Also, beans are a good source of protein.

  12. Protein content in tofu: One half-cup serving of raw firm tofu contains 10.1 grams of protein. The recommended daily intake is 56 grams for most men and 46 for most women. A half-cup of tofu is approximately 4 oz by weight, or just under 1/3 of the average sized 14 oz package of tofu. By comparison, 1/2 cup dairy milk contains 5.1 grams of protein, one 3 oz egg contains 6 grams and 4 oz ground beef contains about 26 grams of protein.

    Calories in tofu: One half-cup serving of raw firm tofu contains 94 calories. By comparison, 4 oz ground beef contains 331 calories, 1/2 cup of 2% milk has 60 calories and 4 oz of cheese packs 320 calories.

    Protein versus calories in tofu: Tofu is low in calories for the protein it packs in. Here's how it compares to a few other foods. For each 100 calorie serving, tofu contains 11 grams of protein. By comparison, 100 calories of ground beef provides 8.9 grams of protein, and a 100 calorie serving of cheese contains 6.2 grams.

    Fat and cholesteroal content in tofu: One half-cup serving of raw firm tofu contains 5 grams of fat. Low fat tofu is also commercially available, and contains 1.5 grams of fat perserving. 4 oz of beef packs a whopping 15 grams of fat, and one egg contains 5.5 grams of fat. Tofu is a cholesterol-free food , as are all plant-based foods. By comparison, a half-cup of 2% milk contains 9 mg of cholesterol, 4 oz of fish contains 75-100 mg of cholesterol and 4 oz ground beef contains about 113 mg cholesterol.

  13. it the healthiest thing on earth next to anorexia

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