
What is the object of Rugby?

by Guest66806  |  earlier

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And how does it differ from English Football, or is it the same thing?




  1. Bit like American football you have to out score the oppisition and you score 'tries' in which you have to touch the ball down in the in goal area(touchdown zone)

  2. To score points than the oppostion.

  3. American football and rugby are closely linked especially rugby league. Given the fact that you have 4 downs to score a touchdown Rugby league today has 6 tackles to do the same thing only we have to ground the ball(a touch down') in the 'end zone' as you would call it.

    In the past of rugby league there was a 4 tackle rule & from 1972 there has been a 6 tackle rule.

    In rugby you can only pass the ball backwards( a lateral) though you can kick the ball forwards for territorial positioning(similar to a punt) We have field goals that are worth 1 point penalty field goals that are worth 2 points and a 'try' (equivalent to a touchdown) that are worth 4 points a 'conversion' which is equivalent to your PAT is worth 2 points and is kicked from in line where the ball was 'touched down' ie If you scored a try in the corner the kicker would have to kick from the touchline to get the extra 2 points.

    If you want to watch a game for free on the internet here is a free live stream site where you can watch Australian rugby league ( a choice of about 4 years of matches or just highlights of a weeks games).

    This will give you more of an insight.

    PS. In australia Rugby is often referred to as football though this also applies to Australian Rules 'Football' which is very popular there. Football in England where I am based used to be called foot -the -ball hundreds of years ago which was reduced to been called football.

    Despite what lots of soccer fans in England might say soccer was called soccer for long periods in England because of the reference to A"ssocia"tion football  which was the official committee running the game. It is not an American phrase but just adopted by you guys to differentiate between sports.

  4. To not wear pads like the americans, to smash the opponents and score more points than them.  You can't pass forward and you should try and score tries, not penalty kicks or drop-goals.

  5. Soccer (Football) is for boys who don't like contact in their sport.

    Rugby is for men who don't mind being smashed around a bit as long as they have the chance to smash them back.

    Try watching at least 10 minutes of each code & you will see what I mean!



  6. ur kidding right, rugby = oval ball, catch and pass with hands

    english football = round ball , no hands , the beautiful game,.....

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