
What is the oddest thing you've ever done with tape? o_O?

by  |  earlier

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Any kinda tape..

Duct tape.

Masking Tape.

Electrical tape.

Clear tape.

Scotch tape.





  1. I made a duct tape tie and wore it.

    Then I made an electrical tape soul patch.

  2. I put tape all around my foot.. :|

  3. I was bored this summer, and i started to put scotch tape over nickles, dimes, pennies etc...


  4. Taped someone's mouth shut.

  5. haha, when I'm bored I stick tape to the hair on my legs and rip it off quickly and see if any hair/dead skin cells are on the's fun, trust me XD

  6. It was really late one night so I couldn't vacuum my floor. So I took a roll of scotch tape and took the sticky part to my floor to help pick it up some.

  7. i tied someone up and....


    umm i was practicing my get away skillz just in case i end up in a bad situation, lol

    below: aha thats funny :P

  8. I put duct tape on my eyebrow and tore it off. So I had one eyebrow missing.

  9. I made a hat.

    Very s**y, if I do say so myself.


  10. Wrapped my little bro in Duct tape. Not the best idea.

  11. Filmed s*x.

  12. I used Duct tape to mummify my dead hamster when I was like 10.  

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