
What is the official PGA ruling if my golf ball lands beside an alligator?

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It happened to me today in Malabar, Florida so I just left it there and droped a new ball from a safe distance away




  1. as long as the hazard is not man-made you can drop a new ball without penalty

  2. I think the answer to this would be in the local rules of your club. These rules are additional to the USGA and Royal & Ancient rules and allow for issues specific to each club. I'm sure if you look it up on your local rules board, you will find something.

  3. The USGA ruling says that you are allowed a drop, without penalty, but no closer to the hole if you ball lands near an animal or object that may pose immediate danger or threat.  Meaning, if you ball lands on an alligators head, you don't have to pick your ball up, you can drop a new ball, at a reasonable safe distance, without penalty.

  4. You were within the rules - they allow for a drop in a dangerous situation like that.  But in the future look to the USGA for rules - they are the governing body in golf in the United States.  The PGA often does not play by the official rules because they have grandstands and drop areas that are not natural parts of the course.

  5. A real man would have powered a 3 iron off the critter's nose taking a nice big divot, remembering of course that we must repair all divots!!!

  6. I'm not sure of the exact rule, but I know that if you get relief from any wildlife including ant mounds, snakes, and of course alligators.

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