
What is the official color (what shade of blue) of the Flag of Honduras?

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I have seen it as a dark blue, and as a lighter blue, but I cannot find out the exact color that is official for the Flag of Honduras. If anyone is from Honduras and could answer this it would be wonderful. My fiance is half Honduran and we just bought a flag online which was dark blue. We want to make sure it is the right shade of blue. Thank you in advance for your help.




  1. I believe it is a dark blue. I lived in latin america for a while, and i remember seeing the flag dark blue and white. Hope that helps, also, you can go to, they have ton of Honduran flags that are all dark blue. good luck

  2. officially its light blue, but almost nobody has the light blue flag. Everywhere they sell flags they are dark blue. Right now is Honduras independence month and flags are everywhere and they all are dark blue. So you could say although in books it saysthe official color is light blue. Everybody has the dark blue flag.

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