
What is the official name for the Gravity pump that is used when both booster pumps are disfunctional on a....

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gas turbine engine. (end of title) i just need the name of this pump thanks.




  1. Weeties is correct, there is no gravity pump.  In fact sometimes the fuel is stored below the engine (most of the time actually) so gravity would not help at all.

    There is, however, another type of pump that is frequently installed in turbine fuel systems.  Its called a "Jet Pump" or "Motive Flow" pump.  It basically uses the pressure of fuel that is already moving in order to move additional fuel throughout the system like sucking it up through a drinking straw.

    In most systems though, if the engine-driven pump fails, the engine quits.

  2. There are no gravity pumps. The engine fuel pump which is driven by the accessory gear box has sufficient suction to pull fuel through from the tanks. The boost pumps are only to aid the engine driven pump and to prevent cavitation.

  3. After  the engines are started the boost pumps are put into a "armed' status. Fuel is delivered to the engine by use of a "Jet Pump",It has no moving parts. High Pressure fuel is piped back into the wing tanks & by use of a motive flow line & Venturi action fuel is delived to the engines. Works good, lasts a long time..The high pressure fuel is created by a pump on the engine accesory gearbox..

  4. Gravity pump?  Gravity isn't sufficient here.  The fuel has to be pumped under considerable pressure to be atomized for combustion.

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