
What is the official name for the relationship between me and my cousins kids

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What is the official name for the relationship between me and my cousins kids





  2. Contrary to the above answers, and assuming your "cousin" is a 1st Cousin, and that you're in the U.S., then their kids ARE NOT your 2nd cousins....

    Your 1st cousin is the child of your aunt or uncle (your parent's siblings).

    Your 1st cousin's children are your 1st Cousins Once Removed.

    Their grand-children are your 1st Cousins Twice Removed.

    Their great-grandchildren are your 1st Cousins Thrice Removed.

    And so on.

    Your children and your 1st cousin's children are 2nd Cousins.

    Your children and your 1st cousins grandchildren are 2nd Cousins Once Removed.  And so on.

    Your grandchildren and your 1st cousins grandchildren are 3rd Cousins.

    Your grandchildren and your 1st cousins great-grandchildren are 3rd Cousins Once Removed.

    And so on and so forth.  This is the terminology used in the United States, but it might vary in the U.K. and other parts of the Commonwealth.

  3. thier your 2nd cousins

  4. Second cousins...I have three second cousins that I know of.

  5. I would say 2nd cousins.

  6. huh?

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