
What is the official scoring on a play when a hitter takes an extra base on a play?

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For instance, if I singled to left with a runner on base and took 2nd on the throw into the infield whats the official scoring? Is it a single or double? Whats the call? Thanks




  1. If the throw went home, you'd most likely be credited with a single and it would be noted you advanced to 2nd on the throw. However, if the throw were cut off by an infielder and you beat HIS throw to second, you'd most likely be credited with legging out a double. It is not a fielder's choice in any way.

  2. its a double if no error happened

  3. A single because the hitter did not earn a double by say hitting a line drive one hopper to the left-fielder.

  4. It's a single. You advanced to second on a fielder's choice.

  5. If there was a throw toward a runner, let's say the right fielder throws to third to try to get the runner advancing from first and you take second behind the play, the official scorer will probably rule it a single, taking second on the throw.

    On the other hand, if there were no runners on and you had the daring to try for second and you make it, congratulations, you have a double.  I f they throw you out, you still get credit for a single.  From a batting stats point of view, you can't lose.Up side, You're in scoring position and you padded your slugging average by one base.  Down side, you hurt your team's chances of scoring a run.

  6. Based on the description of the play - a single.

    NOTE: Do not credit the batter with a three base hit when a preceding runner is put out at the plate, or would have been out but for an error. Do not credit the batter with a two base hit when a preceding runner trying to advance from first base is put out at third base, or would have been out but for an error. However, with the exception of the above, do not determine the value of base hits by the number of bases advanced by a preceding runner. A batter may deserve a two base hit even though a preceding runner advances one or no bases; he may deserve only a one base hit even though he reaches second base and a preceding runner advances two bases.

    EXAMPLES: (1) Runner on first, batter hits to right fielder, who throws to third base in unsuccessful attempt to put out runner. Batter takes second base. Credit batter with one base hit.

  7. a single and you advanced on the throw

  8. Technically it could be a single or a double. It is entirely the discretion of the official scorer. Depends if they believe that you could have made it to second or not. If you hit a screaming one-hopper to left, right at the left-fielder then it would be a single, but if you hit a liner into the gap and they cut it off before it gets to the fence then throws it in for a play at the plate, you would probably be awarded a double, depending how long it took the left-fielder to reach the ball. For more clarification, check the link below.  

  9. Its single but you got to second on an error.

  10. Its still scored a single for you. On box scores, it'll be singled and advanced to 2nd on the throw.

  11. Its a single

  12. As long as no errors occur, then the batter would be awarded a double.

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