
What is the official way to rank nations at the olympic ?

by  |  earlier

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first of all the ranking of nations based on medal count means nothing, some rank nations based on how many medals they got and other rank them on how many gold medal they got.

neither of those methods makes senses, because if turkey for example had two great athletes in a specific sport and got only two gold medal and Italy had 1 gold,9 silver and 8 bronze, then turkey would be considered a better nation ??? Just because they got one more gold medal???

And I am sorry to say for Britain but counting 4 gold medals in one event just because it was a team makes no sense either when comparing nations.

their should be a simple method of doing it, by giving 3 points for gold, 2 for silver and 1 for bronze and giving one medal count per final and not for each athlete in a team.




  1. Whats wrong with just counting the golds? I wouldnt want the US to be on top just because they took all the bronze. So yes, if turkey won the most gold then hooray for turkey they were the best. lol i dont c a problem with that.

  2. the official IOC table counts gold medals first so if a country has only one medal but it happens to be gold then it would go above a country which had no gold but loads of silvers. It's only the US  media that is ranking the table on 'total medals won'

    Also the UK has won gold in 12 different events: We don't count one as four (I take it you mean the team pursuit)

    Golds won by the UK

    Women' road Race

    Women's 200m freestyle

    Women's 800m freestyle

    Men's team sprint (cycling)

    Men's team pursuit (cycling)

    Men's individual pursuit (cycling)

    men's keirin (cycling)

    Women's individual pursuit

    Sailing fin class

    sailing Yngling class

    rowing men's coxless four

    rowing men's lightweight four

    That makes twelve events won by the UK and twelve gold medals.

  3. Spot on Mikey.

  4. total medal won. it's called a medal count, not a gold medal count. to rank countries solely by gold medals would be suggesting silver and bronze aren't important, but they are. the US currently leads China in the medal count. sorry haters, but that's the fact, so deal with it

  5. Britain doesn't count 4 medals in one event so I don't know where that comes from. The simple method is to use the number of Gold medals won- it's about Olympic champions above all else.

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