
What is the oldest a girl should be in a diper or pull up if they have no disability?

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little girl 5 years old i baby sit her its not an accadent problam she just refuses to go to the bathroom is she too old for dipers how do i get her to go to the potty with out yelling at her or makeing her cry




  1. I'd say 2 ½, by 3 they should be in underwear days and nights. With few accidents.

    It's really not your responsibility but I can understand your frustrations. Who wants to watch a 5 yr who's diaper has to be changed?? What bad parents!

    Anyway, I found this site and plan to use it. If it works for you let me know. My nephew hasn't reached that stage but my sis wants to try it.

  2. Your average girl should be out of diapers by 3 or 4 years old. Night time, it may take a little longer.  Sounds like the 5 year old has some control issues. Stop the pull ups and diapers and just put her in underware. Make her change herself when she wets. Eventually, she will get the idea and go in the toilet.

  3. hey, try a reward system. Everytime she goes on the potty she gets a piece of candy or a dime..

  4. 3 1/2....

    should be starting training at 2 1/2

    almost done at 3

    and done by 3 1/2


  6. Yes That Very Old

    No Effence Just Say

    If You Dont Learn To Use The Potty The Nappy Monster Will Come And Steal Your Nappys  And She Will Probs Be Afraid And learning my mum did this to me when i was 2 about my  Dummy  :]

  7. i think the oldest should be in a diper is 2 to 3 year old ..             well u should tell her without yellin in a nice way and tell her why its not good to keep a diper.

  8. it is not your responsibility.  if the parents are putting her in a pull up or diaper then that is just the way it is.  it is up to the parents to make those choices.

  9. dont push her she will use the potty when she is ready!!

  10. Wow.. 5 is way too old!! I would set a timer for every 45 min. and when it goes off say... oh.. lets go potty! Try not to make it stressful... maybe even reward her with stickers every time she goes.

    edit: For those who think it's only the parents job I think that is not at all right!! If the parents are working with her at home and you are getting paid to watch their child, you should also work with her when you are watching her. If she is not potty trained by the time she goes to kindergarten she will be in a mess! I might add... if the parents are for some reason not working with her at home... you should talk to them about a plan to get her potty trained. If you are working with her during the day you can encourage the parents to work with her at home.

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