
What is the oldest age a person can start martial arts and still become an instructor?

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What is the oldest age a person can start martial arts and still become an instructor?




  1. I wouldn't try it without at least 8 years of good experience.

  2. Depends on the remainder of your lifespan and how long it takes according to that martial art to become an instructor. Could be anywhere from a couple years to couple decades. Age has little to do with becoming an instructor in any good martial art... It's more about ability and how hard you're willing to work.

  3. There is no correct answer to this question. I'm 54 years old and have the health and abilities of someone much younger. It depends on the person. Each is different.  Some guys much younger than me can't practice martial arts due to physical problems, or just plain attitude. Some other much older can easily learn.   While I was in my 40's I trained a student that was in his late 50's. He became an instructor, and a good one in his early 60's.  Like I said it depends on the person not their age.

  4. How long will it take you to qualify as an instructor in your system? How old are you?

    Most importantly, how good of a teacher do you want to be?  

    You can take a 2 month crash course in self-defense from some McDojo, be called an "instructor" and have no real quality to pass on or you can train for years and never really feel that your knowledge is adequate to share.  

    Your level of teaching ability is not necessarily the same thing as "functional mastery" of a system.  In my experience some people never become good instructors no matter what their rank.  Others can be helpful in leading students to progress long before they hold a high rank.

    There are many different Martial Arts systems and the range of requirements for instructors is very broad.  Some systems have different levels of instructors.  

    The major limitation would be current age and the art you choose.

    If you are old and inflexible it may be hard to teach really dynamic  Kung Fu styles only because it would be so hard to master difficult basic skills.  

    If you are just starting an art, don't think about teaching, just think about learning.

  5. you cant start after youre 14

  6. 73

  7. If you still feel good and move well, I don't think that age is a factor, but everyone has a different learning curve.  BJ Penn could have probably been an instructor after 18 months, some people will never have enough talent to be an instructor.  I think it depends on the individual's natural talent and work ethic more than his (or her) age.

  8. Never to late to start learning the arts, aslong as you can keep up.

    A teacher should have atleast 10 years under their belt lol well worded huh?

  9. any age that gives you about 10 years.. that is to be a great teacher and one who knows wht he or she is doing

  10. maybe 50?

  11. why are u over 90?if u are its not too late.

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