
What is the oldest age a women should get pregarnet?

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What is the oldest age a women should get pregarnet?




  1. i know a lady she had a kid at 65!

  2. there seems to be a bit of confusion here.

    the choice of age is solely up to the woman, any age (before menopause) however, after the age of 40 there is a higher risk of having a baby with Down Syndrome.

    Also, as Holly G. indicated, Down Syndrome is not a disease, but rather a chromosomal abnormality.

    Hope this clears up some confusion.

  3. 45-50

  4. I'm pretty sure you're still considered a high risk pregnancy if you're under the age of 18 or over the age of 35. Some say even being over 30 is high risk.  Personally I'm not a fan of the women who use fertility methods to get pregnant in their 40's. When you're younger and you need help getting pregnant I understand but 10 years past the initial high risk age, adopt.

  5. It is a personal decision but I know after 35 there can be a lot more complications.

  6. after mid 30's theres a higher risk of down syndrom and other diseases.

  7. it actually specific to the woman and her genetic make up as well as her body..after menopause that's it, but women go through menopause at different times..

  8. my aunt just had twins in december. shes 45.

  9. till she gets her periods and does not go into menupause. but generally you should try and deliver babies before the age of 40.

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