
What is the oldest age you would like to be alive?

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What is the oldest age you would like to be alive?




  1. As long as I have money and activities to do. If I am confined to a bed...someone please pull the plug already! I don't want to be a waste of space. As long as I can run around and enjoy life I want to live.

  2. This all depends on how long my retirement and social security last.

  3. 120

  4. i would like to live has long as i can be active and go anywhere i want without someones help or help from a cane/walker/wheelchair

  5. I used to tell my mom that i wanted to live to be at least 100 years old before i die. I thought it would be cool to be living for a whole century.

    I still think it'd be cool!

  6. I dont think i would want to live to be much over 100 because by that point most people are bedridden and sick and suffering (although not all are) I dont want to suffer when I die i want to die peacefully so the oldest i want to be alive would be 110.

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