
What is the oldest photograph you have in your possession and who is it of?

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What is the oldest photograph you have in your possession and who is it of?




  1. Great Great Grandparents in Duxbury, MA

  2. My great grandparents, roughly late 1800s!!

  3. My Grandpa when he was just a boy. It is around seventy years old.  

  4. Marilyn monroe

  5. A Mrs. Hannah (Todd) Taggart, 1783-1868; of New Hampshire & New York. It is from a tin type. Although photographed late in life, she is still wearing 18th Century colonial attire.

  6. My mom has one from the 1930's of some members of our extended family

  7. I have a picture of my Aunt HarriettRynolds  (Aunt Hattie ) on a tintype (early photos ) I would guess around the 1850s.  Its her with a gentleman friend but not sure who he is .  


    the first photo

  9. my great

    aunt queen  elizabeth ^-^

  10. I have a photograph of my gggrandmother it is about 160  years old...

  11. My father when he was 1 years old. Given to me by my grandmother.

  12. My mother


  13. Funny you should say that. I just found a picture of me and my 2 sisters standing around my lil brother a week after he was born.... That was 15years ago :)

  14. My great great great, etc. grandpa was a guard over President Lincoln's tomb. I have a picture of him guarding it.  

  15. My aunt has a portrait of my great great great grandpa from the 1840's (I know not a photograph, but still cool).  He brought it over from Germany in the 1850's.

  16. MY uncle Harry taken in 1917.

    Uncle Harry is now 105 years old.


  17. One of my mother and grandmother walking taken in 1950.

  18. My great great great grandfather, the photo was taken when he was in the Scottish highlanders defence force and he is dressed in full regalia.

  19. Of my mother and her siblings (1945)

  20. The oldest photograph that I have is of my grandma at the age of 11.  

  21. My baby picture

    It's 17 years and a couple months old.

  22. my great grandfather taken in 1900

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