
What is the oldest race of people on earth ? Is it the Australian Aboriginals ?

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I'm a white Australian, and we are told that our original inhabitants, the Aboriginals are the oldest documented race on earth, even older than Africans and originated from Eastern Asia.




  1. They are the oldest continious group that didn't mix much with other peoples. They came from Africa originally though, along the South Asian coast.

    The Khoisan people are probably more representative of what the first humans ever looked like.

    The most genetically distant group from all others isn't the Aborigines though, it's black sub Saharan Africans. Aborigines are reasonably closely related to Asians. Bizarre really, considering we're all supposed to have Africans as our ancestors.

  2. Fed up telling you all, there are no races, there's only the one race.

  3. I agree with Adam and Dukefent.  I have heard it theorized that the oldest race is the Bushmen of Africa because they have the most variation in some of their DNA.  I don't recall how that study was done exactly but I am dubious of the conclusions.  It implies that the race hasn't changed as much as others. I doubt you could make that conclusion unless you could compare the race as it changed genetically over a vast timeframe.

  4. hmmn, tough one. Austropethicus or some such, well look here: and you should be on your way to discovery

  5. Nope - so-called aborigines descend from a Caucasian subgroup which arrived on the island about 50,000 years ago.  The Torres Strait Islanders come from an East Asian group, most likely a later arrival.  We have no way of knowing who the oldest 'race' are, even assuming anyone could agree on what a 'race' is.  Most likely one or the African societies are the oldest, because they've been around longer than anyone else.

  6. Check this out-it is awesome!

    I spent way too much time on here when I first found it.

  7. the penguins

  8. The Kung (bushmen) from Southern Africa.

  9. There is only one race of people on earth.  The human race.

    There are variations of how our species evolved, and how the global environment influenced the characteristics of their evolution.  As far as aboriginal goes, the members of the indigenous tribes that developed in different areas of our earth are all aboriginal.  I call native Americans aboriginal Americans.  However, because of the migration of the original evolved homosapians, indigenous is difficult to determine.  I have my doubts that we are all evolved from "Eve".  I believe that when our species split from the tree of apes, there were several different global areas this dynamic happened in.  However, no matter, we are all one race, with numberless variations.  There is a small island off the eastern coast of Africa that is said to be inhabited by members of one of the original groups of evolution, and speak the original language that developed in that group.  It is my goal to visit that island, listen to the sound of their language, eat foods of their diet, and try not to be intrusive.

  10. I just found this article that may pertain to your question.  It seems to me that whatever place has the oldest human remains is (more likely) the place that humans originated from.  Of course no one knows for certain and new "oldest" remains will probably continue to be discovered.

  11. I am a white Australian too and was also told the same thing.

    After discussing this with a very wise American friend of mine who has much knowledge in the Native American Indian history, I hope I am accurate in telling you that the American Indians may have been around as long if not longer than our Australian Aboriginals. It is a very interesting subject and one that I hope to learn much more from my dear friend.

  12. It sort of doesn't make sense to talk about an oldest race.  We all trace our ancestry back to the same set of people in Africa, but some of our ancestors stayed in the same place and some didn't.

    As far as who's been in their current location the longest, the prize probably goes to the Andamanese, who have lived on their islands in the Bay of Bengal for about 60,000 years.  They were part of the very first migration of homo sapiens out of Africa, and their cousins probably became the "Negritos" who live in many parts of Southeast Asia.

  13. I think they are just one of the oldest races, since australian aboriginals haven't been mixed. Because after the ice age the land bridges have melted and australia had already been separated. No other race had entered australia until the age of colonization.

    There are other old race like the papuans of New Guinea,  pygmy races form central Africa, Philippines (Aeta), Semang in Malaya (Semang), Thailand (Mani), Andaman archipelago, Rampasasa from Flores island (Rampasasa) and Vanuatu archipelago.

    The age of a race can be measured through the mitochondrial DNA.

  14. remember pangea? DUH all humans come from the same contient but the the one taht seperated with the bigest piece africa  has to oldest living civilization known to man, also the fertile cresant and the iranians

  15. No oldest life comes from Africa.  Anthropologically during the last ice age people migrated to Australia from Asia.

  16. Apes accordingly to some people.. I do not believe this concept though..

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