
What is the oldest religion?

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I was wondering what is the oldest religion existing and practicing today? anybody know the answer?




  1. Of the big ones  (Hindu, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam) Hindu and Judaism are the oldest. Hindus will say they are older and Jews will say they are older.

    *based on linear time.

  2. Christianity....who was before Adam and Eve (other than Christ of course)?

    Colossians 1:17

    He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.

  3. Usually Hinduism is considered to be the oldest religion because one of its sacred writings appears to predate any of the others, including the oldest section of the Bible.

    "Belief in God" predates all of them, but it not a formal or refined religion.

  4. hinduism

  5. The one that God is. If you talk about on this earth, It's Christianity because Adam believed in Christ, or Jehovah as he is known in the Old Testament.

  6. Worship of the sun. Doesn't it make sense?

  7. the paleothic cults

  8. The oldest extant religion is Hinduism.

  9. The worship of the Gods & Goddesses of Paganism predates any of the Abrahmic religions and is practiced today. The root of Hinduism is the Vedic religion and even that only dates back to the Iron Age.

  10. Pagan ? i think it's Judaism.

  11. The ancients worshiped the Sun, so any religion that has a sun god would be a candidate.

  12. The oldest religion that is still worshipped is Zoroastrianism - which can trace its history to almost 10,000 years ago. There are still worshippers of its god Abdu Mahzra in Paris and Iran. The religion was very influential on Judaism as it was widely practiced in Babylon during the Jewish captivity there.

    Other religions like paganism have changed substantially over time - probably not sufficiently similar to be said to have been practiced continuously.

    Hinduism has also been around for several thousand years and is widely practiced in India.  

  13. Egyptians

  14. The oldest religion is the one that God gave to Adam & Eve on day seven of the creation week !

    We still have that religion today and it is now known as Christianity!



  15. Paganism.

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