
What is the oldest structure in the United States of America?

by Guest60145  |  earlier

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Just a general ponder - the oldest we have in the UK are either those in the Shetland Isles which are between 3 and 6 thousand years old and Stonhenge which is around 2 - 3 thousand years old.

I know that the states is a fairly modern country but surely there must be some ancient settlements from before the Europeans colonized it...




  1. There are few real structures from before the European colonization, as most of the natives lived in crude structures that have not survived.

    There are a few Indian settlements such as the Anasazi in the western part of the country that were built from more substantial materials which have survived.  See the Wikipedia link for more information about their culture.

  2. I agree about pueblo structures, but not the location - are the ones in Mesa Verde, Colorado older than the ones in New Mexico?  I'm not sure, but they're beautiful!!

  3. Mission of San Miguel Mission Church in Santa Fe was built around 1610.

  4. the pueblo ruins in new mexico have been there since 1200s

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