
What is the oldest that you should buy a horse at??

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What is the oldest age that you should buy a thorghbred for?

and when should you retire them from jumping??





  1. I would say not over 25

    But it all depends on he horse

    how much do you jump

    what do you want a horse for

    many dressage horse are old masters and they are 18 +

    so it up to you

    some horses that still jump and win are in their 14 teens and still have a long time ahead of them

    you need to know if he is sound


    so it up to EACH HORSE !!

    WHY DO you ask ?

    please edit more thank

  2. Well, the older the horse, the cheaper you'll get it and the calmer they are. They usually live well into their 20's, some 30's. I would go probably no older than 15, according the reason of buying.

    You can tell when the horse needs to retire. When they have arthritis or small problems, it is usually quite noticeable. Just have the vet give it regular check-ups and he can help you tell also when it is their time to retire.

  3. well any time is fine children get horses at the age of two.But if you aren't ready to take care of this horse then you should probably wait a little

  4. My first thoroughbred was 15 and I still went to shows and did 3 foot jumps with him until he was 20.  No leg problems at all!

  5. There is no cutoff age, really.  It's all dependent on the individual horse.  I've known 30-year-old horses that could still be ridden all day and jump 3' fences, and I've known 5-year-old horses that could never be worked again because of injury or other issue.

    As long as the horse can do its job properly, there is no reason to retire it just because it has reached x years of age.

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