
What is the oldest thing you have ever eaten.

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The oldest i have ever eaten was army rations that were around 23 0r 24 years old , they were sealed in an air tight container and still quite crisp.




  1. last Nov. I found a bag of maltedmilk     ball eggs that I had forgotten to put in the easter baskets the prev.spring,so I ate them, all of them.

  2. Probaby tea that was a few years old. I'm pretty picky about food.

  3. just like the other guy i have eaten a century egg. I ate my first one when i was like 4yrs old, my grandpa gave it to me.

  4. a 2 and a half year old popsicle. it was so freezer burnt it lost all its flavor. it was kind of like eating an icicle.

  5. The oldest thing that I ever ate was a 7 or 8 month old turkey that my aunt made for thanksgiving meanwhile there was a fresh one that my cousin won in Atlantic city.

    It was alright but I wouldn't have it again oh and my grandma has a 6 year old turkey in her huge body freezer but its stuck so my aunt can't possibly cook it.

  6. Let's not count the cake mix from 2006.

    I ate some Vietnam-era Army C-Rations when I was camping - the crackers and the cocoa were pretty good.  

  7. I had some mustard at a friends house and it was all brown and gooey. It tasted awful! Afterwards we looked at the date and it had expired over 3 years ago. The worse part was that I got sick for several days from food poisoning (even though I probably only eat 1/2 teaspoon of it.)  

  8. Bouillion cubes that were about 10 years old...tasted okay to me?

  9. i ate some old azz cereal, that was stale along with drinking some old azz milk, that stank, so breakfast was alright that night

  10. Old, and tasted older than I thought it would and it didn't move as much as I thought it would. Quite wrinkled!

    Then she started wiggling quite a lot  but was very thankful later.

    And at 93 ~ she darn well should be!



  11. I once ate a can of raisins found in an old house that had been empty for about that long....  

  12. The oldest thing i ate was a 100 day old egg in China last year! It was part of an airplane breakfast!

    I guess they hardboil the egg and then stick it in a container and put it underground for 100 days!

    check it out in my picture! It's the black thing at the bottom right of the container!

  13. not eaten, but i've drank some tea that was over 10 years old.  It was in a tin can and still not too bad.

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