
What is the one food you can't live with out?

by  |  earlier

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What is the one food you can't live with out?




  1. Apples.

  2. Crawfish.

  3. Bread!  

  4. pizza

  5. coke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Fruit juice.

  7. pineapples

  8. Cheese! Life without it wouldn't be worth living.

  9. All of it .

  10. I know for sure that I can't live without eggs. I don't care if they are fried or boiled. I love them in an omelet, or with fries.

  11. I'm with m****i & Melanie...bread is a MUST!  :)

  12. A lot of people hate these but I love them, KING PRAWNS!!  

  13. Seafood!  

  14. Potatoes!!!

  15. Sour patch kids

  16. pizza!! or garlic bread - can't decide.....erm.... garlicy pizza!!!

  17. chicken

  18. Ground Beef........ There are too many different ways to make it into a great meal... Have fun playing around with it in dishes...  

  19. Bread.

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