
What is the one green thing you are doing thatwill make the most difference?

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What do you feel is the simplest but most important green thing you can do in your everyday life? How will this make a difference?




  1. There is no one quick solution to being Green.

    At home, we use fluorescent bulbs in place of incandescents - and only use the lights we need.

    Most of our trash is put in the recycle bin.  All organic matter is buried in the back yard and mixed with my dog's f***s to aid composting - and to prevent the dog from digging the food up.

    There are many green activities you can use, such as utilizing dry/composting toilets, taking public transportation or cycling, capturing rainwater for non-potable uses, etc...

    By utilizing fewer resources (and returning or reusing the leftovers) we give the planet a chance to breathe.  There are only a limited abount of resources on this planet, and once they're depleted, that's it.

  2. There are many things you could do, such as, Stop Junk Mail -- The junk mail People receive in just one day is not only a nuisance, but could produce enough energy to heat a quarter of a million homes! If you saved up all the unwanted junk mail for one year, you would have the equivalent to one and a half trees, which would add up to 100 million trees every year in just the United States (I live in Canada). To help stop junk mail, talk to your local post office you can help us, ITS important to take care of the environment!! You can recycle the rest of the junk mail you receive.

    Add a Low-Flow Faucet Aerator -- This is a simple device which you can attach to your water faucets at home. By attaching one of these devices, you can reduce water flow by 50%, and the water flow will seem stronger! If only 10,000 4-person households would install low-flow aerators, 33 million gallons of water would be saved yearly.

    Change your Kitchen Habits -- Use reusable containers for food storage instead of wrapping food in foil or plastic wrap. You can also use unbleached coffee filters, which does not produce the deadly toxin dioxin in its manufacturing. Use rags to wipe up spills instead of paper towels, and use biodegradable wax paper and bags.

    Check your hot water heater -- Did you know your hot water heater accounts for about 20% of all the energy used in your home? There are a few simple things you can do to save energy and save money. Turn your water heater down to 130 degrees, which is hot enough to kill deadly bacteria, and still save energy. Also, insulate your heater with a pre-fab 'blanket,' but be careful not to block off air vents on gas heaters. This can save you 7-8% of your energy usage. You can also drain 2 quarts (or 2 liters) of water from your hot water heater every 2 months from the valve at the bottom of the tank. This prevents accumulation of sediment and prolongs the life of your water heater.

    Be aware of your paint you use -- Use latex paint instead of oil-based paint. Oil-based paint is highly toxic, and its manufacturing produces nasty pollutants. Dispose of paint as hazardous waste, or with latex paint you can let it evaporate outside for one year. Then, you can dispose of it with the rest of your trash. Don't clean your paintbrushes outside, because this can contaminate groundwater; clean them in a sink. Instead of trashing excess paint, you can donate it to a school or to someone else who needs to use it.

    Recycle recycle recycle, buy a Hybrid, or if the expenses are too high for ONE! Walk or jog, OR even RIDE A BIKE! Reduce the amount of fire wood you use, and get solar heating. Its important to take care of the environment. Join a group that helps take care of the environment, I take care of it, you can too!


    Courtney D. SaVe ThE tReEs!! :)

  3. uhm..

    use public transportation.

    "one less car on the road." oh, && maybe turn off your lights or electricity when you dont need it.

  4. I do not own an automobile...

    I am poor... but happy...

    I have a bicycle!!

  5. We bit the bullet and told our power company that we would pay the higher rates to get our home on "green power". Our power for our home is from renewable resources (wind, hydroelectric, mostly). Vote with your dollar! It really does make a difference.

  6. Just stop eating meat.  Helps global warming, lowers food prices, reduces air and water pollution, saves landfill space, and lessens obeisity.

  7. I will not be a whiny little girl....your killing the environment by using your computer :)

    Please Please tell me this ? is a must be trying to pick up a chick


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