
What is the one team, no matter what, no exceptions, you would never support / become a fan of?

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Even if they were to win a record number of games in a year or if they were to sign your favorite player, which team will you always hate / dislike?




  1. Cubs... it would just suck to lose for so many years (just like they will do this year...CHOKE).

  2. the yankees  

  3. Red Sox in baseball & the Patriots in football.  Dawgback, you said Yankees because they cheat on their wives?  How many other players cheat on their wives?  It's not just Yankee players as you may want to think.  Many athletes do it, it's wrong but it isn't just Yankees as you say

  4. Hmmm..the Angels. Great team. Great players. I'm just tired of them always winning the division.

  5. I think it's easier for a Red Sox fan to hate on the Yankees as the Yankees can hate on the Red Sox but as a Dodger fan, it would have to be the San Diego Padres. San Francisco Giants. Arizona Diamondbacks, and Colorado Rockies. I hate all four of them equally, passionately, and endlessly.

  6. NY Mets & The Red Sox even though i don't really hate them. Maybe more b/c of the rivalry.

  7. Cubs by far.  

  8. i will never be fan of the dodgers or red sox

  9. The Giants and the Angels.  As a Dodgers fan, I could never become a fan of these two teams.    

  10. YANKEES! Hands down! Worst organization in baseball!

  11. Boston Red Sox. Too many years of rivalry have made it so that I don't even want to come into contact with clothing bearing their logo. I've never owned anything Red Sox and probably never will. Even if the Yankees were to, God forbid, move out of New York and I was forced to find another team to root for, the Red Sox could never be an option.

    I might tempt becoming a Mets fan, but even that would be hard to do. And I can't root for teams that don't represent New York, so I'd probably abandon baseball altogether, to tell you the truth.  

  12. None, I am a baseball fan first and a Reds fan second. I love the game period.

  13. I will never support anything to do with the New York Yankees.  They have an enourmous salary cap, still suck, and have way too many fans that have never even seen a baseball game. They just like the Yankees cause they're the Yankees.  

  14. The Dallas Cowboys -- oops, you're talking baseball -- make that the New York Yankees.  Yes, I know they're both the most universally hated in their respective sports, but it's not like people have no good reason for hating them...

  15. I honestly don't think there is any team that I couldn't be a fan of if the circumstance was right.

    I like baseball, I don't like teams.  I will watch an Oakland - KC game just as easily as a Blue Jay - Chicago game.

    Depends on the pitchers, how the teams are doing (ie, will it be exciting to watch) and of course, there are teams that I'd rather win over others, but it's entertainment, it's not life or death, it's not good or bad.

    Too many people (and well represented here) think that if you aren't the best (or the team they root for), then you're automatically the worst and they can't stand that  (Unfortunately a trait that many in the world have and seemingly more abundant in Americans)

    If the Yankees came out and said "You know what, we are going to try to compete with other teams based on their ability to compete, not our fans intolerance for moderation and we will play with a 80 million dollar budget, heck yea, I'd be going, "go, incompetant GM, go"

  16. New York Yankees. They destroy the level playing field by spending so much money.

  17. As a lifelong St Louis Cards fan my DNA requires me to say the Cubs; however, this year I must include the pesky Brew Crew as well.  But let me be clear for all my fellow St Louis fans...I will never support the Cubs, even if my job moved me to Chicago.  Never.

  18. The Yankees, I'm a Red Sox fan and think that the yankees are a disgrace to NY and the MLB

  19. The Cubs. The yuppies and the boozing and the not knowing baseball. . .I was forced to be exposed to them growing up in Illinois. They were the white people's team in the 1950s and 60s. Still are. There is just the slightest, thinnest line between back then and now. Back then it was in the open, 'sall.  

  20. The Yankees.  They have enough bandwagon fans; they don't need me.  (Although there has been a shortage of bandwagoners this season... lol)

    But really, I don't like the Yankees very much, no offense to all you true Yankee fans.

  21. The White Sox. Even if, God forbid, my Cubbies were ever moved from the city, I'd never root for the Sox. I don't care if they signed ALL my favorite players, I'd never root for them. Even if my son grew up to play for them, I'd never root for the team. I'd cheer for my son, but never for the Sox.

  22. the orioles they stink and stink and stink theyre horrible.. thats as plain as it will get from me..

  23. That has to be the Dodgers. They just have horrible fans. I can't live with that. Worst fans in the league. AND I'm not even a Giants fan. I tried watching a Dodger game, but I could not enjoy it just because of all the fans. It was horrible

  24. The Yankees, because they take such pride in their record when they have always had by far the largest player budget of any MLB team. If you can afford to hire the best talent year after year, your success may be assured but isn't exactly something to gloat about. (And I live in NY.)

    Uh, first reply? Johnny Damon hasn't played for the Red Sox in a while.

  25. The Giants. There my teams biggest rival. 2002 was hard the two teams I dislike the most in the WS together!

  26. 1.) Yankees

    2.) Giants

    3.) Red Sox

    It's far too difficult to pick one.

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