
What is the one thing that ticks u off while driving??

by Guest66849  |  earlier

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i hate it when people r on the fast lane goin the speed limit and r on thier phones that just hits my butttons!




  1. I hate it when you are already doing over the speed limit on 2-way street and some hero it sitting right up your behind like they are in a hurry to get somewhere - I can understand if you are sitting right on the speed limit they may want you to hurry up; but if I am already slightly speeding, they can p@#$ off!

  2. Aggressive drivers tick me off because they drive at high rates of speed, tailgate and weave in and out of lanes without signalling.

  3. not much that ticks me off. I understand everyone does things differently.  I never assume the person in a hurry or speeding has no reason to,  for all I know he may have just gotten a panic call from his teenage daughter telling him that someone was trying to beat the front door open. I don't feel it is a big burden to pull over and let them pass.  one other thing there is no such thing as a fast or slow lane they are both the same speed limit. can't we all just chill a little

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