
What is the one thing you don't like about your religion?

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What is the one thing you don't like about your religion?




  1. having no religion

  2. Being Raised in a Roman Catholic Household (of 1st Generation American parents) -- there are several things that have definitely turned me AWAY from the Roman Catholic Church and BROKE any faith that I have in their ability to minister to the spiritual needs of either myself, my family, or the community as a whole:

    Growing up -- we were not blessed with a lot in our household -- and believe me -- when you do chores around the house, when you are there doing things well beyond your years for maintenance/repairs (because your father was a paraplegic veteran of WWII), and IF you want things like school supplies, or anything else you HAD to do chores around the neighborhood as a child for whatever you could get as pay -- I can say this --

    To have the CHURCH DEMAND (yes, DEMAND) through pre-printed 'tithe' envelopes (with your name on it) as part and parcel of attending the Children's Programs (and then to be publically humiliated when you did not have the money to put into the envelope -- when one is FORCED to wear a certain type of clothing (I can remember the HATED Skirts/Dresses for the Girls -- and the other things like the headscarves) that only re-inforces the fact that the CHURCH does NOT Value you because of the FACT that you were born FEMALE ...

    When after surviving a HORRIBLE SHAM of a short disaster of a marriage (to an abusive, violent sociopath), going through a punishing divorce (which left me without ANY cash at all -- I PAID a very large settlement to just be FREE and LIVE (and so my children could live) ...

    Then to have the priest TELL me that he wanted $600 up front (which I did not have -- hey, I couldn't even AFFORD the deductible amount I'd have to pay to have the WINDOWS in my CAR (That the Ex punched out in his zeal to END my LIFE) ...

    when I was TOLD that he needs to have DOCUMENTATION from the EX as to the cause of the failure of the marriage (and MY Bruises, the Hospital Reports, etc were NOT 'good enough' for them -- the ONLY word that mattered was the EX who was covering up and NEVER admitted to the abuse)

    When there was NO COMFORT - when as a Divorcee (and SINGLE PARENT) I received no support, no comfort, no ability to participate in the services, and am CONSIDERED TAINTED and ruined ...

    When one is left as an OUTSIDER -- and when one's children (who are disabled -- and one is Autistic) is humiliated and I am SCREAMED at and told to NOT come back ...

    YES, there are MANY Things that have completely and TOTALLY Broke my connection with the FAITH that I was raised in --

    NOW ..

    I practice my faith on my own -- I read the holy books, and I have a moral code (and personal way of living) that is MORE HUMANE than anything this ABUSIVE Paternalistic (woman hating) church could EVER Provide.

    I AM FREE -- I SURVIVED ... yes, I DID choose permanent BIRTH CONTROL (I had to -- my ex was that abusive) ... WHY am I 'punished' by a GREEDY, self-absorbed, SEXIST and degrading "church"?

  3. People always look at me like I have two heads when I tell them I'm atheist.

  4. no dating =[

  5. well im Christian but the thing i dont like is that pretty much everything is a sin so its hard not to sin... but i like everything else about it and i would never want to be anything else...

  6. no religion.

    used to be catholic...don't like the whole kneeling down, crosses, virgin mary worshipping.

    then studied some jehova's witnesses stuff. didn't like the fact that you can't celebrate birthdays or other holidays...can't date.

    so yeah, i have my own beliefs, i'm only 15 but, i don't like being in those religions.

    i respect them, though.

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