
What is the one unversal answer for saving mankind?

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What is the one unversal answer for saving mankind?




  1. I don't have just one answer for saving mankind.

    I do have a idea that may save the planet and other, more innocent animals:

    Eradicate humans; we are killing the planet we live on.

    Since I am human, therefore consumed with my own immediate gratification, I can't honestly support the obvious best solution.

    I know that the other option is very unpopular. It requires us to mature as a species, stop killing the defenseless among us, stop polluting our water, including the oceans, stop polluting the atmosphere.

    What am I thinking?  

    All those ridiculous ideas, I just suggested, require that maturity stuff we don't have. Lets just give more power to incompetent politicians and religious con men and wait for THE END!

    That seems to be our historical pattern!

  2. There are so many problems in the world today which ruin mankind, it's hard to answer with just one universal solution. I mean, we have materialism, we have pollution, we have war, we have hunger, we have arrogance and egotism... As much as I hate to say it, if I could only give ONE universal answer for saving us, it'd probably have to be to obliterate the entire planet and start all over again.

  3. I would also suggest, love!

  4. There is none man we're all fukt.

  5. Only the aliens from Zeebug 9 can save us.  Let us all hope that the Zeebugians are on their way.  

    IXHH{FEubfbcf IAB Cbasyvbgfrasi bc;v';'smv

    (Zeebugian for "Go ahead, make my day")

  6. Discovering our TRUE origin!!

    Creationism and evolutionism, isn't working.  Find the truth about where we came from and why we're here (starting with a complete new re-think, using the fossil evidence so far discovered), and we'll know where we're going., thereby avoiding our possible destruction.

  7. Love


  9. Birth control weapon.

  10. We need to stop all the whining & hand wringing & get on with making the World better for the next generation, as so many of our previous generations have done.  "Leave the World better than it was when you found it." Too many live for themselves & the moment, but others are just irrational whinners with a desire to remain young forever.  

    Religion is of course a problem, as it induces irrational thought & belief in the supernatural, but atheists haven't done well either (see Mao & Stalin.)  Because religion is such an ingrained part of human culture, we need more rational shamen of all faiths.

  11. The unfortunate reality is you can't save mankind with one remedy; it is too vast and the problems too diverse to be solved that simply.


    Save one person.

    And do it over and over again.

  12. Less love = less population

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