
What is the opposite of a mammel?

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What is the opposite of a mammel?




  1. Theres mammals, like us.

    But there are also oviparous creatures, which lay eggs.

  2. the opposite of a mammal is a reptile :)...mammals are warm blooded creatures while reptiles are cold blooded (well most of them), mammals breed by giving birth, the reptiles by laying eggs :)

  3. There isn't an opposite, but there's other categories:

    1. Reptiles - Snakes, alligators etc - Lay eggs

    2. Birds - Eagles etc - Lay eggs

    3. Mammals - Humans, animals etc - give birth

    4. Fish - Cod etc - Lay eggs

  4. Some things don't have opposites, and mammAls don't, either.  There are fish, reptiles, birds, plants, insects...none are opposites, just different from each other.

  5. First thiis is how to spell -mammal-

    There is no opposite of a mammal but these are other types of animals






  6. there are no opposites of nouns or verbs.. onlyl adjectives.. (hot/cold/ wet/dry, etc)

    praetor, kimberlyyy, and kdinkc.. monotremes (platypus and echidnas) lay eggs and are mammals..

    and certain reptiles, mostly pythons, give live birth.. anacondas for one..

    also by your logic fish would be the opposite too.. aside from there never being more than one oppostie of a thing.. certain fish, guppies, mollies, etc, give live birth as well...

    read a book...

  7. there isnt one ...... there other animals   .....

      but  the others  dont feed there  young with milk

    or give  live birth to them ......

  8. A mammal is any animal who gives birth to live (as aopposed to layingbabies.  There isn't an opposite because you can't give birth to something if it's not alive.

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