
What is the opposite of feminism?

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And I don't mean an "Anti-women" movement. I mean a movement that supports men without being sexist or misognynistic (sp?).




  1. Paternalism

  2. There is no antonym. However, the first word that comes to mind is phallocentrism.

    It is centered on men or on a male viewpoint, especially one held to entail the domination of women by men.

  3. ermmm...well the whole world system pretty much supports men, sometimes just through tradition and structure, sometimes in a sexist way. I do not believe that there is a specific movement that supports men without being sexist or misogynistic, though things like 'fathers for justice' might count.

  4. Equalism

  5. Egalitarianism.

    Masculism or Feminism are bias towards the gender they feel is " oppressed". Clue is in the title

  6. @xn  you are a chouvenistic pig .

    If women are stupid and dumb , and all about feelings and cannot think  .

    then i declare that men are pigs that have no emotions , do not feel anything , have robot like perosnallites and they all are abusive and violent .

    I feel sorry for you , because not only would no women want to knwo you , but im pretty sure you coudnt even get a g*y guy .

    I hope that the next time you get sick , a women is the only  one that can save your life .


    You are go to die so lonely and bitter . ?!?!?!?!

  7. It's masculinism...But I refer to it as 'sexist, egotistical, hypocritical pig.'  It is where the men with fragile egos need to validate themselves as men by telling lies like women can't do what men can do, and only men should be powerful, brave and strong.

  8. What comes to mind is masculism a.k.a. MRA (men's rights activism).

    But masculism, like feminism, is s*x-based and s*x-biased.

    So the real answer to your question "what is the opposite of feminism?" is ... equalism.

  9. Machoism.

  10. Egalitarianism. This movement supports equality for all humans, regardless of gender, race, religion etc. and believes that we're all born equal. Feminism and masculinism both focus only on the rights of one gender, and are actually very similar. Equalism accepts that men and women are of equal worth, without trying to make them the same.

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