
What is the orange order?

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  1. A bigoted anti-Catholic paramilitary pro terrorist bunch of sword carrying knuckle dragger's established in the North of Ireland in the late 18th century.  They are basically terrorists in suits and bowler hats but at night when the sash comes off and the combats go on Morag and Orangeina are in for a slapping when the tennants flows.  In essense they treat their missuses nearly as bad as they would like to treat the taigs but haven't the balls to take them on.  So they resort to giving their women a good kicking like real orange men should.

  2. William lll of England was known as William of Orange because of his Dutch ancestry. He was a protestant and defeated the Catholic forces in Ireland at the Battle of the Boyne in 1690. Since then he has been revered as a hero by protestant Ulstermen the world over. They have masonic-style organizations called lodges under the general rubric of "order." They are to Northern Ireland what the IRA is or was to the Republican South.

    I have no truck with either side.  However, William is interesting in that he married Mary, the daughter of James ll, who would have become queen in her own right.  Thus William and Mary were the first and only joint monarchs in English history. The university in Williamsburg, Va took its name from them.


    Basically, a Protestant organisation foremost in Northern Ireland.

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