
What is the order do they go in?

by  |  earlier

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What is the order do they go in?




  1. your question makes no sense what so ever how are we supposed to help you when we cant make heads nor tails of what you want.

  2. what order does what go in?

  3. shrimp fork salad fork and dinner fork.

    soup appetizer entree desert

    knife spoon fork

  4. It depends on my mood at the time.

  5. if you could elaborate...

  6. I've just read all the other answers and then it hit me  are you referring to the cutlery  and usually as a rule of thumb outwards in ...........the outer knife is usually for butter and often on a side plate..........if your eating in a restaurant  once you have ordered  they will remove what isn't needed and bring any add-ons

    if this isn't what you mean   then I'm as much in the dark as everyone else

  7. Be more specfic about the question

  8. little to big haha

  9. smallest to biggest

  10. Upwards. Smallest first.

  11. if you were more specific itd help..

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