
What is the origin of Ladino language?

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is the a Ladino language institute




  1. ladino (the name is deformed latino) is the language spoken by the Jews in Spain in the 15 century and is derived from a middle age Spanish. after the Jews were expelled from Spain in 1492 they continued speaking ladino in countries where they fled to: Turkey and and areas of the Turkey empire -the Balkan, middle east and north Africa. in Hebrew it is also called "spaniolit".

  2. Well, it was a Romance language spoken (and is still spoken in very small numbers) by a Semitic people, mostly Sephardic Jews. It has some influence from Arabic, Turkish, Aramaic, and Greek. It's VERY similar to Spanish, in fact, it's probably safe to say that it's mutually intelligible.

    Ladino: Por una ninya tan fermoza

    Español: Por una niña tan hermosa

    Ladino: l'alma yo la vo a dar

    Español: La alma yo la voy a dar

    Ladino:un kuchilyo de dos kortes

    Español: Un cuchillo de dos cortes

    Ladino: en el korazon entro.

    Español: entró mi corazón.

  3. it's a language of the very north italy...(i'm italian and it's right as spelling laDino)

  4. Do you mean "Latino"?

    It is Portuguese for Brazil or Spain for the Spanish speaking countries with some American Indian and African words mixed in.

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