
What is the origin of O2 to keep sun burning?

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What is the origin of O2 to keep sun burning?




  1. The sun does not use O2 to "burn."

    The energy from the sun comes from nuclear fusion at the core of the sun. There the temperature and pressure are great enough to fuse hydrogen nuclei (protons)  into helium.



  2. i concur with the first five answers.

  3. The Sun doesn't burn! Burning requires Oxygen. It is Hydrogen nuclei fusing to form Helium nuclei under great temperature and presure. Other elements are formed in small amounts when nuclei fuse multiple times until they have the right atomic number kinda. But only Hydrogen fising into helium produces power.

    My final answer


    The Sun doesn't burn!

  4. The Sun is fusing hydrogen into helium, not oxidizing anything. Fusion produces much more nergy than oxidation does. If the sun was burning by oxidation, it would have burnt out long ago.

  5. Great question...most people think the sun is on fire and fires need O2.

    To keep the sun going, about 600,000,000 tons of hydrogen is fused together to form helium every second!   This is close to 104 Great Pyramids of Egypt.   But no oxygen/air is needed at all.   Nuclear fusion is what it takes to keep a ball of matter that big so very hot.   It's about million miles across (865,059mi) and 93 million miles away but can still burns our skin.   That's amazing to me.

    The sun is definitely burning !   But if you enter the world of science, "burning" refers

    to the addition of oxygen to regular matter.   Weirdly enough, rust is a form of burning (oxidation of iron in the metal).   Since we use oxygen  in order to stay alive, just being alive can be considered burning.   Man you're on fire, takes on a whole new meaning with this line of thought.

    Cool question

  6. the sun is a fusion reactor, fusing hydrogen in to helium. it is far too hot for chemistry.

    why do ppl keep asking this stupid question?

  7. The Sun does not 'burn' it  converts five million tons of matter into energy every second by nuclear fusion reactions in its core, producing neutrinos and solar radiation.

    The energy of the Sun is produced by the conversion of hydrogen into helium.

  8. The sun is not burning, it is undergoing nuclear fusion, a process which does not require oxygen.

  9. Sol, the central star of the Local Group, employs mostly hydrogen and helium in the process of fusion so as to create photon emissions and all other subsequent effects related to the same.

  10. The sun is fusing hydrogen into helium similar to how fire converts O2 and carbon into carbon dioxide, only in the nuclear instead of the chemical sense.  Carbon dioxide is at a lower energy state than when oxygen and carbon are separate, but require energy in the form of heat to combine them.  When it does, the excess chemical binding energy is released as fire.  Similarly, helium, which contains two protons, has a lower energy state than hydrogen which has one proton, but again requires heat and pressure to combine the protons (which there is plenty of in the sun's core).  When it does, the excess nuclear binding energy is released as gamma rays, which are converted into visible light as they make their way to the sun's photosphere.

  11. Are SUN is fueled by a BLACK HOLE. This BLACK HOLE is located in back of the BIG DIPPER.



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