
What is the outcome of the medicare funding issue? i need explanation...thanks?

by  |  earlier

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I keep reading info on this that the senate has passes law to stop the funding for medicare advantage plans. i need to know what exactly it means... what happens now?

i work with a medicare plan and we have been paying medicare prems. for low income mbrs $96.40 a month. and now we had to stop paying that....... these low income members will start having this taken out of their ss checks every month now... its real sad what has happened. i hear members telling me they wont be able to afford their medicines and food....





  1. The law will not stop funding for the Advantage plans but will reduce some funding and will change the PFFS plans. The bill passed the house but did not pass the senate. It will be taken up again after the holiday recess. Medicare is cutting provider payments and the bill was meant to keep the current payment level by taking funding from the Advantage plans.

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