
What is the panelty if you get caught riding a motorbike in Singapore without a license?

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  1. i wouldn't know but i would bet you wouldn't do it again and it certainly wouldn't be a few hours community service

  2. Not sure. I was in court on a different matter in Ontario, Canada when a youth was convicted of driving with no insurance. Cost him $5000. Your other 2 licences might cover learning on a bike, but again, that varies by jurisdiction. If you call the Ministry of Transport, they may be able to advise you or you may have to call the courts. Since you need to protect your other licences, you might want to talk to an advocate now.

    Also if you're in US, you'll be cited for operating a motor vehicle without a license (1 point)and ticketed for not having insurance. some states will suspend your drivers license and require an sr22 to get your license back. some states don't for first time offense.

    TAke care good luck !!!  

  3. You have to play tag - in traffic.


    Q:  What are the offences and penalties for driving an MTV with a Class 3A driving licence ?

    A:  The offender will be charged for driving without a valid driving licence and may be fined up to $1000 or jailed up to 3 months for the first conviction. He will also be charged for driving without valid insurance coverage and can be fined up to $1000 or jailed up to 3 months, or both. He will also be disqualified from driving for at least 12 months.

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