
What is the paranormal belief of people who attract insects?

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I've heard that when insects tend to gather in a particular spot or near a person for no apparent reason that it has something to do with paranormal activity.




  1. It probably has much more to do with scents or just the fact that the person is standing in the insects' favorite spot. Gnats will tend to gather over a specific spot on the ground, using an object or color as a focal point.

  2. Well..I must be EXTREMELY  PARANORMAL...because FLEAS JUST LOVE ME!!!!!

    EDIT...Maybe insects hang around paranormal people because they know that they're sensitive  and they feel safe with them. (One time I had to put out some rat poison for I wrote them a note and told them it was poison and not to eat it...just to leave!!) lol...(There's a story from my childhood that is the reason I did that.)

  3. possibility its a sign of something.  Depends on what type of insects.  Grasshoppers are said to be there for protection.  If you have them around you all the time they are protecting you from something.  But thats just about grasshoppers.  I would have to know more about the insect to tell you what it means.

  4. I have never heard that before. I suppose if you could eliminate every possible normal reason that a type of insect (one probably could not generalize to all insects) would gather near a place or person (and I suspect this would be close to impossible) that you could consider a paranormal explanation as the very last hypothesis to test.

    However, I am willing to bet a crisp 100 dollar bill that the insects have no way to distinguish a human beings beliefs about the paranormal.

  5. I have not heard of that before.  I don't know who told you that, but it would be a first!  Ã¢Â˜Â¼

  6. If it can be imagined then I'm sure some person has come up with an elaborate, New Age and magical explanation of how there couldn't possibly be a normal explanation for it.

  7. I have never heard of that, unless your talking about Native American type beliefs, where as a person's totem would appear.

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