
What is the payscale for an auditor or senior accountant in Bahrain?

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What is the payscale for an auditor or senior accountant in Bahrain?




  1. I'm sorry, this is Senior Citizens.  

    Ya, HDB!!!  ;-D  I'm impressed!

  2. You are probably looking at between 20,000 - 30,000 Dinar a year, depending on whether you are with a reputable company or not. It is a sad fact but your nationality will also effect your rate of pay. An auditor in Qatar working for Ernst and Young was making 26,000QAR a month which equates to about 31,200 Dinar a year and I assume the pay scale is almost identical in Bahrain. Remember that your income will we tax free over there and that companies in the Middle East usually provide great benefits. Good luck

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