
What is the penalty for entering pit lane while it is closed?

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I noticed Kyle Busch enter the pits on Sunday and it appeared that he did not lose any positions.




  1. I know the instance you are speaking of and becasue Kyle had just been given the Lucky dog and he was already the last car on the lead lap, he didnt have anything to lose.  The penalty is tail end of the longest line but that was his position before he went to pit lane.

  2. restarting at the end of the longest line

  3. Kyle did enter pit road when it was closed and did receive the penalty of starting at the tail end of the lead lap as did Jr.  However Kyle did NOT pass safety vehicles or speed down pit road more than once as did Jr who received no penalties for OBVIOUS SAFETY violations.  Nascars double standards will catch up with them soon.

  4. Tail end of the longest line. Kyle and Jr both did that the other night, but they were already going to be in the back of the pack anyhow, so they took the penalty without really losing positions.

  5. going to the tail end of the longest line

  6. Tail end of the longest line is the penalty.  I am not sure of the instance you are referring to because I was not watching on TV (I was there) and was completely focused on Kasey.

  7. He had to go to the back of the longest line, just like Jr did for speeding.  Kyle raced his way back up front.

  8. depends on if nascar in a bad mood

    in 2006 tony went on pit road when it was closed he went a lap down and was fined 1000 dollars. but normally you go to the tail end of the longest line... or sometimes go down a lap

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