
What is the penalty for getting blackout drunk, and wandering into someone else's house

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And leaving when they ask you to. A neighbor who doesn't know you, I mean.




  1. Trespassing, possibly breaking and entering depending on how you entered the house.  

  2. The penalty can be that somebody would shoot you dead.  Might want to stay sober.

  3. If you live in the UK then my personal experience says absolutely nothing would happen.

    I used to live above a Wetherspoons pub and a random drunk got all the way up about 4 flights of stairs and fell asleep in my bed.  I freaked out when I found him and the manager (luckily the pub hadn't shut) called the Police. This man had also lifted 2 cases of Red Bull and taken them upstairs so in my eyes he had committed trespass and theft. (God alone knows how he managed all that in the state he was in) The Police said he was drunk and possibly on drugs and sent him home in a taxi!!! No charges were brought against him. I ask you?

    Chances are the same thing would happen to you if the neighbour understood you were drunk and did it unintentionally.

  4. Outside of getting yourself shot to death, after the police are called, tresspassing charges, home invasion, etc., etc.

  5. You could be charged with public intoxication and trespassing a private home or dwelling. The penalties vary from state to state. You could be court ordered to pay fines, jail, restitution etc.

  6. If your story were believed, then the conviction would be for simple trespass, unless your state has another crime for a hot prowl.  If you have no record, expect a suspended sentence with intense alcoholism treatment for a period.

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